Nong Khiaw (Muang Ngoi)

22 and 23 December 2012

We arrived last night in the dark and woke up to mist which slowly disappeared over breakfast to reveal these epic gigantic mountains and a beautiful river surrounding the town.

We decided to skip the tours that looked a little boring and have a bit of a rest day to soak up all the beauty and peacefulness of this area.

We took a boat down river to Luang Prabang. The closer to Luang Prabang we got we saw these jet boats on steroids that went at least 5 times our speed.

As soon as we arrived we went straight to the emergency department at the hospital where after several blood tests and examinations they diagonised me with dengue fever. With no cure they told me to take it easy and get in plenty of electrolytes and fluids.

Looking across the river as the morning mist disappeared

The main part of town

The large bridge across the river

The area was really beautiful and reminded me of Vang Vieng

We walked out to a series of caves that were the Thai headquarters during the war.

The bank office of Luang Prabang

The money was kept on these shelves

This rickedy old ladder took us to another part of the cave

Boat to Luang Prabang. There were some good rapids and scenery.

At this village we had to do a short portage by bus where the river was very shallow.

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