We relaxed today with a nice step in. We had a little look through Krumbach town and had lunch at the Butcher with german home made potato salad and schnitzel roll washed down with some bakery sweets YUM.
We also drove out to Ulm and visited the Ulm cathedral with the worlds highest steeple where we climbed the 768 steps to the top.
We had a walk around the small town of Krumbach. This is the old town hall.
The final stairwell up the third gallery is a tall spiraling staircase with hardly room for one person. You think you are almost there then there are still more steps.
The view from the top was well worth the climb. This is looking down at the main church.
Look at the size of the people and then you realise how high you really are. The steeple is 161.53m and we climbed to a height just below that
It had a really cool gothic steeple which got narrower the higher we went
A huge gargole
The main church from afar. There was no way I could fit the entire tower into a photo from below as the tower was just so high
A unique looking town hall
Sunset from Alex's house
Alex and Karen
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