Hiking southern Skye coast

We started the day having to replace a tyre on the rental car.

In some remote village they had a scarecrow festival where people had made all different scarecrows for the competition. 'The kayaker'

'The lady'

We made it for a really interesting thorough tour of the Talisker whisky distillery.

We try a couple of shots of whisky

One of the whisky store houses where it must be stored for 3 years to be classed as whisky. They said they have the capacity to produce 3 million litres of whisky a year here

The finished product

Looking into where they distill the whisky in the large copper containers

The black cullin mountain range where we had wanted to hike.

A loch right on the coast on our walk

Surrounding islands on the coast

Back towards the bay before I jump in for a dip

We foudn this massive sea cave that went 50 metres into the roack face

A funny looking highland cow. They used to tie there tails togethers in a row and make them swim across from the mainland when they first established them here

1 August 2011

After breakfast (nothing Scottish about it but nice anyway) and then dealing with a flat tyre (ie. buying a new one) we headed out towards the Cullin Mountian range on the Southeast coast. The cloud was so low we decided not to bother trying to walk up them and instead did a nice walk along the coast with great views of the mountians behind us. Mark even decided the water was nice enough for a swim. We found it was a great place to explore rock pools and also found some quite extensive caves. That evening was also rather unplesant mostly because the midges were now out in full force, so we made our way towards Torridon, stopping for dinner (prepared and eaten inside the car) on the way.

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