Day 4 - Enderby Island

21 January 2014

What a unique island and fantastic day exploring Enderby Island and getting up close with its endangered wildlife. First thing we jumped in the zodiacs and headed for the research hut at Sandy Bay, where we were greeted by some friendly yellow eyed penguins.
We followed the board walk across the island seeing the hugs change in vegetation types and from stunted rata forest to mega herb fields including Bulbinella rossii (yellow flowers) and Anisotome latifolia. The northern coast was battered by wind and rain all morning before cleaning in the afternoon.
We were given the freedom to explore the island where we saw NZ fur seals, hookers sea lions (New Zealand sea lion), yellow eyed penguins, Auckland Islands snipe, banded dotterel, tomtits, red crowned parakeets.

The main beach where the big hookers sea lion family hung out was full of excitement with babies crying out (they sounded like baby lambs), males attacking each other for females, females and males playing around and several sea lions that came right up to us – they must not have known about the 5m rule.

As soon as we were back on the boat we were on the move south along the eastern side of Auckland islands. The most southern island, Adams island looked very inhospitable with sheer 100+m cliffs, waterfalls and tussock similar to terrain found in fiordland. It was great to get out on deck and all around the boat with the calmer seas where we were able to spot seals, penguins, albatross, petrels, prions and a pod of dolphins even popped up alongside the boat.
We then said goodbye to the Aucklands islands as we set route for Macquarie Island.
My sea sick pill put me straight to sleep for a calm nights sleeps with an average speed of 12knots.

Yellow eyed penguin posing for a picture

A group of yellow eyed penguins out for a stroll

Nesting Royal Albatross on the edge of the track. These birds are the biggest of the albatross species with a wind span up to 3.6m wide HUGE. Until you measure 3m out on the ground you wont appreciate how big that is.

Wooden boardwalk across the center of the island protects the fragile plants

Bulbinella rossii Just missed this awesome megaherb in yellow flower by 2 weeks

Anisotome latifolia

This plant covered the ground at the top of the cliffs of the wind battered northern coast

Once across the island we walked along the northern coast through this unique scenery. It was a very wild day with strong wind, waves and rain battering the coast.

A little stream running off the cliffs of the northern end of the island

Large young male and female sea lions scattered along the eastern coast.

Crested penguins or shags??

Auckland Island Shags - I found them nesting all the way up the cliffs

The pipits on the island were really friendly

NZ fur seals

Midday the rain cleared and the sun came out so we stopped for lunch at this little bay

The yellow eyed penguins were quite shy but we say plenty of scattered individuals mainly along the southern coast of the island

Female hookers sealion

Southern Coast

The sea lions were hidden amongst the tussock, I never new when I would be surprised.

Red crowned parakeet

Some more yellow eyed penguins



Thick sea kelp that surrounded the island

A large male sealion overlooking sandy bay

The main beach Sandy Bay where the large harems of sea lions are found

Auckland Island teal

Moulting sealion

Greg and I were just sitting down watching the sealions from afar when this friendly female came right up to us and sat down. Every time someone walked past anywhere near us she would start growling. Then she fell asleep.

Large harems of sea lions - the males are bigger with dark brown fur, the females are light brown. The babies were really cute making a call like a lamb.

Adams Island as we headed along the eastern edge of the Auckland Islands

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