WHAT A DAY. Temples, temples and MORE temples. They left me staring with my mouth wide open by their share size and uniqueness. This is the biggest collection of temples in the world with Ankor Wat being the biggest religious building on the planet.
Most people spend three days visiting these ruins but we did it in one. I can’t believe how much we managed to fit all in. They were all so different and unique in their own ways.
The constant harassment from the locals trying to sell us anything and everything took its toll. After today all we want to do is leave this dirty, busy, unfriendly tourist city and get back off the main tourist trail.
We were the first people at Ankor Wat well before sunrise. It was beyond words to describe how exciting it was to explore the ruins in the dark and how quiet and peaceful it was being the only ones there.
Just on sunrise with the moon shining bright.
Shrine in part of the temple
Outer wall on the eastern end of Angkor Wat
After sunrise we went and had breakfast by the reflecting pond
So peaceful and quiet first thing in the morning
The main entrance was having some restoration work done on it
When we left Angkor Wat to go to the next temple there was a triathlon on.
The Bayon temple was really interesting with faces carved into the rock on 4 different angles
Karen and Glenn at a buddha shrine at the Bayon
The Baphuon had some great views from the top
Some sort of scorpionlike creature we foudn in the ruins. Anyone know what it is?
Terrace of the Elephants. Theses rock elephants were really neat
They stretched 350m along this terrace
Preah Khan
These trees were growning around and through the ruins
We got special powers in thie temple
Just another temple. After seeing so many temples they start to look the same and its hard to appreciate them even though they are all unique and spectacular in thier own way
Victory gate of Angkor Thom
Preah Neak Poan. This temple had a large pool in the middle of it.
Monuments of roluos.
This was looking through the chimney of Bakongs main spiral
There were elephants at each level on all four corners of the temple
Ta Prohm (also called the Tomb raider temple) the most popular temple as it featured in the movie tomb raider. Tree roots strangle the stone throughout the temple
Some monks came for a visit
At Sra Srang with tuk tuk driver Wi jet
Back to Angkor Wat for another proper look before sunset
There were some amazing mirror images over the water
A shrine at the top of angkor Wat
It was nice to relax at the end of the day with an Ankor beer at Ankor Wat.
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