
20 August 2011

We only stayed in Bangor as a stopover point for catching a bus to Stroud. It was an average town with not much going for it but we stayed in a nice B&B with views of the harbour with a big Welsh breakfast which made up for it. Today was a travelling day where we spend a long 8 hours on the bus travelling over 1/2 of England through Birmingham to Stroud. In Birmingham I had a quick look around the city centre. It seemed to be a real dirty industrial city full of shopping malls.

Our Bed and Breakfast was right on the harbor with great views

Welsh breakfast (looks the same as an english breakfast to me)

Everywhere you go in Wales there is both Welsh and English on signs. This is an example on the bin and it looks and sounds like gibberish to us.

I checked out this huge shopping centre called the bullring on our way through Birmingham

This was the city centre which felt more like India or the Middle East to me.

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