After having watched the running on TV and live in the arena yesterday I was ready to have a go at running myself. A few of us kiwis and aussies made the plunge. While we were waiting for the run and the police were kicking people out who they didnt think should run a spanish guy came up to us and pulled up his shirt to reveal a massive puncture from a bull horn he got from a previous days run. This made us freak out even more and made us realise how dangerous and crazy it was. After the charting to San Fermin to protect us (the usual custom every minute, 3 minutes before the run) and the firework went off we were ready to go. Somehow after almost shitting myself when the bulls were actually coming I started running and got stuck at 'Dead mans corner' the sharpest turn in the course where the bulls sometimes slam into the walls - a place I didnt want to be so I had to hit the breaks and started sprinting only after the bulls had passed. Have a look at the video ( The bulls got separated and the front bull out the front ran over a few people and horned some others. We all survived our first run.

Some shots of the actual running

The bull fighting statue
As close as Karen got to running with the bulls
Live concert in the square
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