Good year for hops

2 March 2013

I have had an amazing growing season with my hops this year. The weather has been so warm and they have been getting plenty of water so they have been going crazy. I have had several days of harvesting over the last few weeks and the hops just keep growing with 2.466kg wet weight (541g dry weight)compared to my 98g wet weight (24g dry weight)last year - A HUGE DIFFERENCE.

I cut the vines off from the roots as I have bags and bags and even now there are new shoots growing from the roots. In mid January my vines broke the strings there was so much foliage and weight in them. I can not wait to experiment with them in my beer this autumn.

Hundreds of hop flowers all over my vine in prime condition for picking.

Big bushy growth from the vines that have been trained up a wooden frame and then nylon to the roof

It might not look like many, but there are hundreds of hops in there with new ones growing everyday. Some of the larger unpicked hops would grow new branches from them produce new bunches of flowers.

My first batch of hops layed out to dry on racks. I then put them in the hot drying cupboard for a few days.

Hops in the hot water drying cupboard. When they are dried I put them into seal proof bags and then store them in the freezer until I am ready to use them

This summers harvest - 2.466kg wet weight (541g dry weight)

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