Fishing frenzy in Auckland

27 March 2013

The last 2 weeks the kahawai have come in close with the massive schools of baitfish throughout the tamaki estuary and harbour. The terns have been in feeding frenzy mode making it easy to spot the schools.

I caught the biggest kahawai I have come across at 542mm on the SE edge of Browns Island, and some really large specimens on the edge of the NE end of Motutapu. On the northern end of the causeway between Rangitoto and Motutapu their were tens of thousands of birds on the water and underneath hundreds of giant ocean kahawai over 500mm.

This seems to happen only once every couple of years and im suspecting that this perfect summer having made the water warmer has been the reason for this.

Personal best giant Kahawai at 542mm caught on a lure

Kahawai everywhere and really easy to catch. A school of bottlenose dolphins joined me when I was kayaking out alongside Motutapu

These workups have been everywhere with the gannets diving in for the baitfish when the kahawai chase them to the surface. The baitfish were very easy to spot as a large dark patch with thousands of fish in them.

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