London Olympic Whitewater Course and Notting Hill Festival

28 August 2011

I couldnt go to London and not go see the new Slalom Olympic course in Lee Valley. Having only been opened for 3 months the place was crazy busy with rafters and kayakers enjoying the two pumped channels.
We then stopped off at the Notting Hill Festival. The entire suburb of Notting Hill was closed off to cars with carribean music food and people fulling every street. Everywhere we went it was really intense with constant lines of trucks with DJs moving through the streets, food stalls, people playing drums and music. I have never so many police and helicopters as im sure they were worried about more riots

Londons brand new Olympic whitewater course in Lee Valley with both a warmup and main course. This is the bottom of the main channel

One of the main waves

Large rapid chain

These conveyors take you back to the top of the course

Our sweet little english flat where we stayed with Karens friend Karryn

Truck after truck rolled through the streets pumping out music at the Notting Hill festival

Cruising through the streets

Pond at Kensington gardens next to hyde park. You could get lost for hours here as these are the biggest parks I have been to

Diana 'Princess of Wales' memorial garden next to the Serpentine in Hyde park

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