Day trip to Bath and Bristol

23 August 2011

We went Bath for the day famous for its roman baths, buildings and abbey. It was a neat tourist town.

Remains of part of the main building of the Roman baths

This is an old curse. When peoples property was stolen at the baths they would write a curse on lead and thrown into the spring. this one is about a compaint of thieft of Vilbria. The curse includes a list of possible culprits

The main bath. The area was walked over for many years covered in thick mud from the river before they were discovered.

This is the romans invention of underfloor heating where the floor lay on top of these rasied stones and warm air produced from a fire went through this air gap and heated the floor

They gave us a try of the warm thermal spring water. It was like hot salt water with iron in it so not great but apparently is good for you.

We stopped off at Sally Lunns house for lunch where she invented the 'Sally Lunn Bun'. Its the oldest house in Bath (built 1482) and now a cafe.

The interesting old georgian buildings this town is famous for

Edgar the first king of England was crowned here at bath abbey in 973.

The main town with the abbey tower

They had a photo exhibition in the streets. This is one of my favourites

This is another awesome picture of Volcanos in Java

We tried some samples at the chocolate factory

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